Level 3 First Aid at Work Requalification

First Aid Requalification

The level 3 First Aid  at work re-qualification is for anyone who has a current First at Work qualification that is due for renewal or up to 1 month after the expiry date.

Who’s it for?

The level 3 First Aid at Work requalification is for anyone who has a current First at Work qualification that is due for renewal or up to 1 month after the expiry date. 



What’s it about? 

We’ll cover some amazing information and some amazing skills including


  • Actions in an emergency
  • Role of the first aider
  • Casualty communication
  • Recovery position
  • CPR
  • Using an AED
  • Seizures
  • Shock
  • Wounds and bleeding
  • Allergic reactions
  • Asthma
  • Bone and muscle injuries
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Diabetes
  • Fainting
  • Head injuries
  • Poisoning
  • Spinal injuries
  • The effects of heat and cold



What’s in it for me?

All of those amazing skills that you learnt on your last Level 3 First Aid at Work qualification will be refreshed and you’ll be ready to make a difference to someone who has become injured or taken ill.



Is there an exam?

On-going assessment throughout the two days along with two multiple-choice papers that are completed at the end of the training. First aid requires every learner to demonstrate the skills they learn as part of the on-going assessment throughout the day. You’ll need to be able to lower yourself to the ground to demonstrate the skills you’ve learnt such as CPR and placing an AED, you’ll also need to be able to get up again, you’ll need to be rolled into the recovery position and also demonstrate rescue breathes. You don’t need to be the World’s fittest person and at the gym everyday but good mobility is needed.  



How is this course delivered?

In house or open course.


How long does the training take?

The course is run over 2 days. The course can be completed by either blended learning or classroom. If you chose classroom then we’ll see you for both days. If you chose blended learning you’ll complete an e-learning solution before you attend the classroom for day 2. Our classroom times start at 9.30am so you have plenty of time to read your emails and arrive ready to start the day. 

If you have a group of six or more an in-house course delivered at your premises may be more convenient and cost effective.  

If you’re unsure which training is best give us a call or drop us an email at [email protected] to discuss you options – remember advice is always free. 



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